January 2020 (before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Putin)

My dream of Lake Baïkal

Sometime in early winter 2018/19, I heard about Sylvain Tesson and his book about his six-month stay1 in a hut on the frozen, wintery Lake Baïkal. I had seen pictures of the lake in
documentaries here and there before and was drawn to it, but the undertaking of getting there seemed unattainable. Then I heard about Tesson's2 book Dans les forêts de
(available in English: Consolations of the Forest: Alone in a cabin in the middle Taiga) and read it. The spark ignited and I began to dream of the Baïkal.
My friend Nicolas Navazo3, who was largely raised by his Russian grandfather, had the intention of traveling to Russia in the footsteps of his grandfather, who had to go through all
the wars of the first half of the 20th century and ended up as an immigrant in Paris. So we got together and planned the trip4 to Baïkal. Nico was also busy learning Russian,
which turned out to be very helpful.

Ural This Ural (Russian BMW copy) stood in the middle of the lake for the spring, when the ice no longer supports the Buchankas

Our plan was to travel to Irkutsk via Moscow on the Trans-Siberian Railway, stopping off in Novosibirsk and Tomsk. From Irkutsk, we booked an 8-day excursion on the frozen lake,
and as luck would have it, we found a one-woman agency (Irina from BaikalVoyage) that specialized in fans of [Sylvain Tesson][Link] and offered a visit to Tesson's hut as the
culmination of the trip. In Irkutsk, we even spent the night in the same guesthouse Nina as Tesson!

Baikal Our trek is marked in red

Lake Baikal is located in the south of Siberia north of Mongolia, roughly at central European latitudes. Due to the continental climate, it still gets very cold there in winter
(-35ºC), so that an ice cover 1-1.5 m thick forms. The lake can then be navigated with all kinds of vehicles. In the [Travel tips][Link1] I give many tips for those interested in
Russia. If you fly directly to Irkutsk, you don't even need a lot of time for this adventure (I strongly recommend using the Trans-Siberian, however), and financially everything is
kept within limits, Russia has a price level at 1/3 of Germany.

Tesson Sylvain Tesson 2011 before his accident, today his face is paralyzed on one side.
Sylvain (1972) is a French travel writer in the classic style of Bruce Chatwin or Norman Lewis. He writes very personally and combines travel with history, literature and introspection to create an extremely entertaining read. I also like him because his books tend to be short. Several of his books have been translated into English. Consolations of the Forest : diary from solitude.

From La Rochelle to Moscow

Naturally, the Frenchman takes the train to the airport and then swings off into the distance. However, at the time of our planning at the end of 2019, there were unforeseeable
strikes in France due to the pension reform, and we definitely didn't want our trip to fall victim to a strike. The time-consuming visa procedure also didn't allow us any leeway
for the start. So we booked a flight to London from our front door with Ryanair. Unfortunately, Ryanair only flew every 2nd day, so we visited our friends in North London for one


February 21, 2020

Well, so...

Wake up at 7:30am, last luggage check and off we go to the airport in La Rochelle, where I meet Nicolas, who was driven by his sister Sophie.

9:55am arrival at Stansted, three different trains and £45 later we arrive at Hemel Hemstead at 12:30pm where our friend Paul Jenkins picks us up. The Jenkins house is surprisingly
rural in style, a whitewashed brick building with lots of dormer windows and outbuildings, a large house from the inside with a huge lawn, pool and tennis court behind the house
and a clear view of the middle of nowhere. The dogs greet us exuberantly, the (grown-up) children Caleb, Del and Joe are not long in coming. We spend a lovely evening together
eating Pakistani food and discussing nutrition. Del, as a personal trainer, is naturally just as interested in the subject as the rest of the family.

Dogs Buddy and Marley were infatuated with us and didn't want to let us go

 England February 22, 2020

After a good English breakfast coffee, Paul drives us to Heathrow for lunch. As always, the M25 is a cause for concern with a traffic jam, but it clears up in good time. The
security at Heathrow is over-the-top, it's unbearable the harassment millions of people have to put up with every day because of our different... politics. After a pizza, we fly on
time via Amsterdam to Moscow, where we arrive in the morning around 2am.

-> Moscow

  1. His stay in Siberia: There is a documentary on YouTube about his hibernation and also a feature film where he has been replaced by an actor. 

  2. Awards
    2009: Prix Goncourt de la nouvelle for Une vie à coucher dehors
    2011: Prix Médicis essai for Dans les forêts de Sibérie
    2015: Prix littéraire de l'armée de Terre - Erwan Bergot for Berezina
    2019: Prix Renaudot for La Panthère des neiges 

  3. Nicolas has become a good friend and working partner over the last three years. He is actually an actor, but has many gaps in his employment and then works as a craftsman like me. 

  4. To understand my journey, you need to know that I live in France on the Île-de-Ré, in the Atlantic Ocean north of Bordeaux