The mythical 'TransSib'
Trans-Siberian Railway February 28, 2020
Still not fully electrified
The journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway ('Transsib'), which had been in the back of our minds for so long, began shortly after midnight at Yaroslavskaya station in Moscow.
Luckily, we went to the station one (supposed) day before departure to buy our boarding passes, only to find out immediately that 00:35h belonged to the new day and not the old
one, which meant that we (Nico and I) had to start the big journey again that very evening. The Russian railroad company made exactly the same mistake (perhaps because we were on
the train over the schaltjahr February 29th), and the Provodnitsa1 of our wagon was in a terribly bad mood because two more customers showed up, who incidentally did not pose an
accommodation problem as the train is half empty. Anyway, we stayed on the train and left Moscow heading north-east. The ta-dang-ta-dang of the rails gave us a good night's sleep
until after 8 o'clock.
*We never get bored of the same snow/birch landscape outside.
As I said, we were never cold, but often too hot in Siberia
The adventure should begin with boarding the Trans-Siberian, but the carriages are new, well equipped with USB charging sockets and showers and heating (far too hot, like
everywhere else). If it hadn't been for the excitement of the wrong date, there would have been no sense of adventure so far. Even the Russians on the train are no longer what they
once seemed: Only one is drunk, our cabin mates are rather cool and calm, the Provodnitsa quickly recovers to become a sympathetic guardian over us. There is no alcohol for sale on
board, imagine that! Fortunately, we are not from yesterday...
80 stops are planned until Vladivostok and seven time zones are crossed, but we get off after 2/3 of the route in Irkutsk, after stops in Novosibirsk, Taiga and Tomsk. The passing
landscape resumes in mixed forests and small spots with colorful wooden houses or ugly prefabricated buildings, if they are a bit bigger. The birch population slowly increases with
the distance from Moscow. Lots and lots of freight trains cross our path, with brand new and beautiful patina on the old wagons, which essentially seem to transport ammonia
(Ammиak). The discrepancy between clean, friendly and culturally sophisticated Moscow and the provinces is quite stark, now that we've already covered 1000km. The Wild East mood
comes up, the border of civilization, only the trappers are missing from the picture. I notice that a lot of earth has been dug up and piled up in the human-populated areas; I've
certainly seen a lot of caterpillars (or their Russian counterparts) and not yet a bicycle. On the other hand, I saw more Mercedes Maybachs in Moscow than Renault Dusters. The
eight-cylinder cars dominated the streetscape in the capital.
The area is covered in snow, not much, about 10 cm, but all the way. Outside at the stations it's still +2º, just like in Moscow. That's 20º more than usual, you can feel the
climate shift. We are quite disappointed about this as we have too much clothing with us - the -35º in Irkutsk, for which we are prepared, appears to oscillate between -15º and -5º
in the forecast.
Snapshots from the road
Transsib February 29, 2020
The second full day on the train. So far we haven't met any likeable Russians on the train, the travel companions are rather unhealthy middle-aged grouches. Our on-board restaurant
only has a small selection of good food, mainly soup. Fish is too expensive.
*Taïga forever!
Transsib March 1, 2020
The night was very restless with fragmented sleep. My Oura Ring doesn't register any sleep at all or only rest hours at the station stops because of the constant vibrations in the
train. This time we had two nice travel companions one after the other, a helicopter pilot and an 83-year-old scientist from Hungary who used to work in Akademgorordov. He raves
about Lake Baikal as a place with the best quality of life on earth. The two of them take turns at 2 a.m. (we can hardly keep up with the clock changeover, we've already passed 4
hours since Moscow and are six hours ahead of Central Europe).
We wake up at 7am to sunshine. The forests are now pure birch forests, we are in the middle of Siberia, in the taiga. The day before yesterday we passed the northernmost point at
60º north and are moving south again, which is why it gets light early. Half asleep, the vastness of Siberia became physically clear to me, after 48 hours on the train it sinks
into my system. At TGV speed (5x as fast) you wouldn't experience it like that. The immensity somehow becomes tangible.
*There is a kettle with hot water in every wagon, which is great for making tea or coffee.
At midday, now 6 hours ahead of CET, we arrive in Novosibirsk at a beautiful bright green station. When I call home, I have to be really careful not to throw the others out of bed.
It's not really winter here either; during the day it's +3º and the snow that's still everywhere is thawing, which leads to terribly dirty roads and cars. The Ob is only frozen at
the edges.
Novosibirsk is the third city in Russia with a population of 1.5 million, and it is very spread out. From our Marins Hotel on the 10th floor, we have a good view to the south over
the railroad station and the river.
Transib March 4, 2020 Novosibirsk - Tomsk
See Tomsk.
Transib March 6, 2020 Tomsk - Taiga - Irkutsk
At 12:34 our train departs from Tomsk 2 (i.e. from another BHF) to Irkutsk via Taiga, where we change trains. So another 32 hour train journey. We cross the frozen Yenisei at
around 2am (without waking up).
It's a strange sleep in the couchette car, you only sleep lightly, wake up often, you're in a twilight state, hovering between dreaming and being half awake, and it doesn't get on
your nerves, your brain is calm, I can feel the landscape beneath me, the curves, the hills, I'm lying in a cradle that is advancing relentlessly into the taiga at 60 kmh. Rather
deep, otherwise unconscious feelings arise, not thoughts. I feel washed away from Europe, an invisible border has slipped in between, now I'm in Asia, far away.__
At the restaurant at lunchtime, I meet an American traveler with the wildest plans, just arrived from Burkina Faso, but he has nothing to talk about because he never stays anywhere
for more than a few hours. Then there's a father my age with his two sons from Mecklenburg (with a Low German accent). It's very interesting to talk about the old GDR, the Russian
occupation and experiences with the FRG. The father studied military history, speaks Russian and knows a lot about Russian history and culture. Everyone has given up television
like me because of the fake news on all channels! As always, ARTE is cited as a commendable exception. How they stay afloat as a European-funded project is a mystery to me. As
united Germans, we devour three beers without batting an eyelid.
*Two buddies in the compartment, military, place of service: Crimea, ex-wife and child in Vladivostok, wife and 2 children near
Moscow. Why don't they fly? Because it's more romantic! Are they still alive?
Transib March 7, 2020 Tomsk - Taiga - Irkutsk
Irkutsk, last stop for today!
A driver picks us up at the station for an exorbitant price and takes us to Nina, our landlady for two days. She is a music professor at the university, but has to do B&B. A
simple, friendly house that could just as easily be in Nepal or Bolivia. You immediately feel like a traveler, not a tourist.
The different routers offered by the Transsib*
Wagon attendant in charge, who seems to have absolute power on the train ↩